Some days, for some reason, when we begin to think about what needs to be done, a whole week or even a month of a mental to do list can hit us all at once! And then overwhelm hits, followed closely by paralyzation!

Does that ever happen to you? Not since last Christmas? Good for you, you’re doing well!

I’ve found that in those over-thinking moments, I need to sit down and download every thing that is running through my mind onto a piece of paper. Once it’s on paper and out of my head, I can prioritize the things I need to do, make lists and spread my to-do’s out onto appropriate days or weeks. Then, what relief, I can see the baby steps I need to take that will get me where I want to go.

Sometimes making the list serves me by letting me see that I’m expecting too much of myself in the time I have and I need to pare those expectations down or look for different ways to get the same things accomplished.

Then other times, I make the list and think it’s going to take a week to check it off, and what do you know, within a few days each item is done! The weight I was feeling in my mind as I thought about things I need to do didn’t accurately represent the real amount of time and effort actually required. And that is telling isn’t it?

If you have moments of overwhelm, whether it is because of a big to-do list or if it is emotional weight you are carrying, grab a pencil and start writing! Get it out of your head so that you can observe yourself more clearly. Then, seeing things, probably closer to how they really are, you can set about making a plan to help yourself get from point A to point B, and hopefully with some grace and ease.

And please remember the truth that self-care is crucial during this time of year! Listen to the mothering, nurturing voice in your head and do what she says! If you get rundown and feeling run over, it won’t be pretty for the rest of the family. {You’ll notice that you’ve gotten too far when you start thinking that other people are being unreasonable and snappy! Uh hem, it’s most likely not them…}

All my love,
