Are you a woman of faith who’s ready to grow into the joyful, loving and powerful leader you were created to be?
Hi, I’m Jacque and I help women of faith through coaching and courses, to thrive in their God-given roles.
As a certified holistic health coach, my passion is ultimately seeing children growing in happy, nurturing homes.
My clients are women who love learning and are determined to grow into the most loving and responsible versions of themselves possible!

This 6-month digital class with weekly group coaching is a practical guide to learning, combining, and applying the principles of the Mind-body Syndrome (TMS) with the liberating principles of unconditional love.
Take your life and health to a new level by understanding the Mind-body concept, enhancing your relationships, rewriting the experiences from your past, and creating a joyful trajectory for your family’s future.

Coaching is an exciting way to become the version of yourself you want to bring to your most important relationships! We meet weekly, often virtually, to learn and practice correct principles, craft actionable, deliberate baby steps and grow like crazy!
Recent Posts
Free 7 Day Challenge Starts Tomorrow!
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What’s the Goal, Jedi Mama?
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It’s a Lioness Lifestyle!
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