I hope you are thinking kindly about yourself, taking breaks, dancing in the kitchen, feeling the love all around you and enjoying the celebration of Christ’s birth!

Me? I’m working on breaking a lifelong habit of pushing too hard!

I’m praying for the vision and ability to stay in the present.

To not give into the temptation to override my body’s signals of weariness. (Instead plugging in water! Walking! Peach tea! Laughter!)

To think beyond my first, big idea, until I get to something that will show love, but be manageable too!

To start prepping for tomorrow, today so that I can feed people without time constraints pressing on my brain!

To think on my love and gratitude for the Savior and my family and friends and marinate in those feelings!

I understand now more than ever, how I have corrupted this beautiful event in the past with stressful thinking, pushing, and over doing.

But I am repenting! And focusing on the real gifts of mercy and forgiveness and love that I’ve received in great abundance this year!

And even this transition, another turning from old habits, I won’t accomplish on my own.

With God’s help, through Christ, I, (and you,) can do all things.

Even learn to celebrate, to give and receive in His way.

Glory to God! And on earth, peace.

We are loved,

The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.