Hello, I hope this post finds you well!

I’ve been thinking the last few months about the difference it makes when we know what our greatest, ultimate goal is, and from there, what our smaller, daily goals are.

I’m not talking about accomplishing or succeeding or excelling in the sense that we usually use the word “goal.” Instead, I’m talking about goals as in, what is educating and determining the daily, weekly, yearly focus of my attention? What do I value most and to what do I give my consistent time and effort?

Here’s mine.

As a woman of faith and a disciple of Christ, my goal is to follow Him in such a way that I am transformed into the most loving and responsible person I can be, and then to enjoy the promised outcome or blessing of the path of discipleship, which is peace, love and never-ending expansion and joy with my Heavenly Parents and my loved ones!

A very important, even critical part of that expansion, is to live in the structure of family, where I am exposed to myself, my habits and beliefs, on a regular basis.

It’s as if my marriage and the children my husband and I brought into our covenant relationship, are in a real sense, the creation of an all-important mirror that informs me minute by minute of the ways I have or haven’t learned to be loving and responsible for myself.

By extension, the goal of our family as I see it, is to give clear, loving feedback to each other day by day, so that we can all learn to be loving and responsible and over time, with great patience, become charitable beings.

Of course this transformation needs a safe place to happen! A place where we can make mistakes and know we are still loved.

A place where we, and our children and grandchildren feel seen, heard, known and loved.

And how do we create such a place?

First, we move forward in our own lane by taking charge of ourselves through self-care and by learning what loving behavior looks is and what it is not. (How else can we be accountable for what we think, say and do?)

We model love-gathering every single day. We spend time with God and His word and we practice telling the truth about our motives and behavior, which is called daily repentance!

We learn to create meals and order, to clean and teach and organize the things we need to make a comfortable, even beautiful place for our family and friends to land! A place to rest and recover, a refuge from the pains and challenges of life! A place of fun and connection, and always a repair shop where we tend and heal our relationships.

This is homemaking.

 C. S. Lewis wrote, “The homemaker has the ultimate career.  All other careers exist for one purpose only–and that is to support the ultimate career.”

What is your goal?

How does knowing what you want most change your daily decisions?

Sending you my love and best wishes for a wonderful week ahead.



P. S. Remember that we’ll be running the FREE 7 Day Challenge again starting September 9th!

And since it’s free, why not just register here now, and skip the over-thinking and procrastinating part? ; – )

P. P. S. We didn’t realize it at the time we were planning it, but our challenge begins on President Russell M. Nelson’s 100th birthday. What a great way to celebrate the life of the man who has been leading and teaching and challenging us to strengthen our relationship with God through prayer, study and daily repentance, for a long, long time!

The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.


From Exhausted to Empowered


Healing With Love


From Exhausted to Empowered


Healing With Love


From Exhausted to Empowered


Healing With Love

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