Ever feel that you are in a constant state of searching? Of gathering information or recipes or books or how-to’s or haircut ideas or the latest parenting tips?
Gathering is great! And learning is wondrously unending!
But what happens when you find that you have been gathering and gathering and gathering but not trying or implementing or applying the information you have gathered?
What seems to happen, if we rarely get around to using what we learn, is that we get into a space of feeling “pseudo-productive” like things are getting done, only they’re not. Or worse, we begin to feel that we have tried everything and nothing works! When, in actuality, we just took note of some wonderful idea, but didn’t actually begin the process of incorporating it into our lives to give it a chance to change us for good.
We know a lot. But knowing isn’t doing.
There comes a time when you need to shift gears, even if just for an afternoon or a day and plug in some of the wonderful treasures of knowledge you have found!
I hope that whatever new idea you need, whether it is to pray consistently or use a planner or try a new recipe or put together a new schedule or clean out some corner of your life, that you will slow down and decide how and when to implement the knowledge you have now. And then, give that new idea or practice the time and attention it needs to work it’s magic in your life.
You are doing wonderfully!
P.S. I have just a few Lioness planners left that need to be used! They say 2017 on the cover, but the individual days and months aren’t dated so you can use them even after this calendar year comes to a close! There is also a section for 2018 dates, so that will be helpful too! {If you’ve had a Lioness planner this year, and you’d like another one for next year, they won’t get less expensive than this, so consider ordering one now.}
These planners are 8″x10,” full color beautiful and practical, featuring all of the Lioness principles in action! Time-blocking, meal planning, declarations, self-care, and more. I hope they have been a blessing to those of you who took the leap to try them out already this year! Thank you!
{$15 + shipping while they last! You couldn’t make photo copies (which I know you wouldn’t do!) for that amount!}
Love this train of thought! Thank you!
You are most welcome Stacy, thank you for being here!!
Jacque, I want a planner then if you have any left!
You’ve got it!