It’s another day living in contrasts; light and dark, (what a great place to be!)

A day to practice choosing hope and growth, from the knowledge we have gained from

Experiencing sadness and remorse;

Maybe you had a day of challenge and pain, or

Maybe you experienced a day of joy and rest.

(How would we know rest without strenuous work or understand joy without ever feeling pain?)

Hopefully you saw the sky and felt the wind,

And tasted something nourishing and were a

Blessing to someone nearby.

We can only be where we are; to effect change we have to

Want change enough to think a new thought, maybe even before we

Feel a new feeling.

That takes courage rising from our deepest selves. The part of

Us that fights (even when we don’t know it) to live in harmony with


May He bless and lift and comfort and encourage and

Direct and teach us all along the path

Of this splendid journey, this education, this gift of living

Here, in our physical selves, in this physical world.

God bless your desires to remember and to be your true, unique and wonderful self!

With much love,
