Where is the party? Really?

Is it in all the glamorous pictures you see where exciting things seem to be happening? Things like being admired? Being recognized and celebrated?

Is it in the couple you see on vacation brochures that have the whole beach to themselves and no little ones about needing anything? Or is it in the highly publicized, high-powered job that so and so has that makes it appear that she has the world at her feet and no problems?

Is the party in a new home with new carpet and no chipping paint? Or is it a party when you get 15 more likes and praise from those you see mostly in the digital world?

I must say that all of these things are smoke and mirrors if we really think that having them or being them or experiencing them will really be the party we’re waiting for! 

The truth is that, the party, the true fun and joy come right to your house! Or rather are in your house when you invite them in by your cheerful attitude, your hard work and dedication, by your commitment to your children and your spouse, by your eyes that see what is right in front of them: love.

The party is right here today. It’s in the sticky fingers and sparkling, sometimes mischievous eyes of your two year old!

It’s right where you are when you’re cooking dinner and you share licking the cake-battered beaters with your four-year-old.

It’s catching the sun on a winter afternoon while little ones are napping, or getting a call from your spouse just to say hi.

Don’t wait for the party out there somewhere! Don’t expect that the fun will come later and you just have to drudge through the now! The beautiful life you imagine is yours for the taking right this minute.

Give thanks to God for each blessing you enjoy and maintain that feeling of grace and gratitude as much as you possibly can and your day to day life will be full of the magic of discovery and delight!

Be here right now.

Open your eyes to the opportunity for experiencing joy in every little thing.

You were born for this!

Be your joyful self!

Much love to you!
