For those of you who are experiencing winter right now, and if you are challenged by the cold as

I am, hang on, spring is right around the corner!

But before it gets here, and the out-of-doors is calling your name, what indoor projects could use your attention?

Are there scrapbooks or pictures to work on or a closet or two that could use cleaning? Is there a quiet basket of yarn that you’d like to turn into a fun afghan for your grandchild or some other creative sit-down project you’d like to make?

Of course there is your over-all vision for the year that may need tweaking orĀ goals that you may still need to break down and record on the months and weeks in your planner.

Maybe now is the time to sort through a filing cabinet or dust the book shelves or finish the books you’re reading or get a bag or two of clothes ready to be donated to a thrift shop.

Whatever needs doing inside will surely be much easier to tackle now while nature is still sleepy. Because as soon as she really wakes up, and starts shooting green little bits of life from the soil in the flower beds, the closets may have to wait until fall to get my full attention again!

Best wishes to you in embracing what is now.

Be well.

