When you believe and feel that you are cherished, that you belong, that you are resilient and able, while also feeling teachable and trusting– with a heart full of good will toward others–that is the sense of being “in love” that I am writing about today.

When we hit this stride, this level of self-acceptance and self-kindness, this is the time that we are oh so pleasant to be around!

This is when we draw others toward us.

This is when we know where we begin and others end. {We know our boundaries.}

This is when we care and others feel and know it!

This is when we give hugs and receive smiles.

This is when we dream and plan and assert ourselves into the future boldly.

This is when we are dwelling in the realm of possibility! {Not stagnating in mental walls of doubt.}

This is where we take calculated risks. Where we decide.

Where we start without knowing the end from the beginning.

Where we throw the light of our faith before our feet and trust that we can see enough to keep moving forward.

Where we listen for the quiet voice that is prompting us to help and lift and succor our spouse, our children and all our brothers and sisters.

This is my hope for all of us!

I pray that we can all be “there” more often and for longer and longer periods of time, until heaven is working backward into every experience of our lives.

Knowing that we belong and that we are cherished can come from our simple prayers. Cultivating resiliency and greater ability can come from keeping on our commitments and forgiving ourselves and others more quickly. Learning and trusting are earned and are life-long pursuits; practice being trustworthy. Having a full heart begins with gratitude for every simple gift we experience everyday from blue sky to food on the table to the countless and consistent ways that others are blessing us. Gratitude and fullness require a constant refitting of the lens with which we choose to see our world until we see things as they really are.

These goals are within reach of every one of us. Each of us can be “in love, and not to go out.”

Where do you want to be?

My love to you today and every day,
