Remember the saying, “kindness begins with me?”
Maybe we should amend that.
Kindness begins with me being kind to myself; then I can be truly kind to others.
Today, I challenge you to speak the truth to yourself using your powerful declarations!
Word such as:
“I am loved.”
“I am a daughter of the Great God of the universe.”
“I am capable of change.”
“I am learning new and important lessons from the things I am experiencing now.”
If you haven’t been speaking kindly to yourself already, as a rule, speaking these truths may seem false or fake.
But the reality is, the ugly, cutting, negative self-talk is the lie.
Decide to speak the truth and align your heart with the Giver of all gifts.
And see if words and acts of kindness come more easily, willingly and with greater love.
I send my love to you today and pray for your well being.
I know that your well being will be the center of your family’s wellness.

The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.