I don’t have to make everything all better.

And neither do you.

Everyone has their own challenges to work on and it is right for each one to strive for their own growth.

Deep breath in……………………………hold it……………………………………let it out.

What are your challenges? They are the only ones that you have full power to tackle, so use your energy there!

What changes would you like to make in the coming year? {That bright, new beautiful year is on it’s way! So exciting!} When we think of our own growth, it is exciting! When we think of moving another person to change, it is heavy. So let’s stay in our own space, working out our own salvation, and offer our support and love and encouragement and minister to others along the way!

Your growth is inspiring! And observing you living your life to the fullest will inspire those you love to take hold of the reigns of their own lives and do exciting things too.

I hope you are taking great care of yourself each day. Listen for the kind, mother voice in your head and let your own nurturing in. A tended mother is a kind mother that draws her family to her with soft, feminine power.

Love to you today,
