Through a full day of joyful coaching, this wonderful theme appeared: agents repent.

The victim minded complain.

The victim minded compare.

The victim minded defend, excuse, justify, are dissatisfied, irritated, place blame, find fault, doubt, are self-pitteous and indulge in anger and take counsel from fear.

But agents repent.

Agents humble themselves in order to learn. They step further from ego and move closer to meekness.

So if you struggle with the victim way of being, I offer this roadmap to leaving that energy sucking and relationship killing path–

Take responsibility for your part of any struggle, conflict or problem and you will immediately move from victim to agent!

This week, today, even this very moment, you can stand up in your soul and move into your personal power by saying two words to those who need to hear them:

“I’m sorry.”

Then you can watch as heaven steps in with help!

Sending you my love and confidence that you can look to God and live a joyful life, now!


The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.



Healing With Love



Healing With Love



Healing With Love