I realize that this post won’t say anything you don’t already know, and know well! But here, as a thoughtful reminder, I write away, anyway.
It never ceases to amaze me how instantaneously our outlook can change when we become aware of the needs of someone else and we realize that we can help out!
Immediately, our focus shifts from our own concerns
and inward thinking to empathic feelings for another person’s pain or distress. It seems that during the multiple disasters that have come over the last few months, there has almost been, along with the challenge and stress of preparing and cleaning up, a sigh of relief among neighborhoods and communities– I say relief because for many, when needs arise, the opportunity to lend a hand is wonderful, even if they were also hit by tragedy themselves!
When things are “normal” we go about our lives in our own little bubbles. Then disaster strikes and the invisible walls come down and people are pushed to open their arms to their neighbors, whether in giving or receiving. And what a joy it is to be connected with the people you may have passed on the street for years and never had the time or opportunity to know. To see their face up close and hear their voice and see their humanity.
The other bit of relief is getting the reality check of what is actually important to us all! And often it isn’t what we thought!
My love and gratitude to the many brave and selfless people who are now rendering aid and giving of themselves to the those who need it. So many heroes among us!
I hope this coming week will be full of gratitude and purpose for you and yours!
P.S. It’s a sure-fire remedy, when we feel ourselves spiraling inward and down, to look for something we can do to ease the burdens of our friends. A letter to someone far away; a visit to someone who is lonely; a kind word; a smile; a note of appreciation. Simple is wonderful! Any goodness will do!