Do you ever get stains on your clothes while you’re cooking or working around the house in general?

If so, I challenge you to wear an apron if you have one, or to get one and wear it if you don’t already!

Apron’s are extremely practical. There’s the obvious protection for your clothes, but I am also constantly using the pockets to take items from one room to another when cleaning and I use it sometimes to wipe my wet hands, {since I’m washing my hands so many times while cooking}.

Having this extra layer also means that I don’t have to wear grubby clothes while I’m working. I can get dressed for the day in nice clothes and not worry about them, whether I’m cooking or cleaning or light- gardening or whatever work needs doing on a given day. And then I can take the apron off and I’m ready to run errands or get to a meeting or whatever I need to do. {Sometimes I forget to take it off and of course someone lets me know it!}

Besides the practicality, I love the look of wearing an apron! To me it communicates my acceptance of my job as a homemaker. It shows my family that I’m engaged and even happy about my work at home.

I figure that “the heart of the home” helps with the circulation of people and things, food and events, maintenance, repair and decor. She moves out waste and adds “oxygen” or life to the whole family system. She keeps things moving with a steady rhythm by her habitual caring acts of nurturing, feeding, preparing and providing.

And I think that the heart-of-the-home role is critically underrated and unsung, even by those who are doing it…

So, my applause and love and appreciation goes to you for the courageous, and oftentimes messy work you are doing in your families!

I hope that you will be happy. I hope you will cultivate contentment as the fruit of a grateful attitude. You are desperately needed. Do you know you are moving the world?

