Hello, I hope this finds you well.
I’ve had this post on my mind and heart for awhile, and I’ve not wanted to write it!
Which is why I’m so glad that I can share a website with you (though maybe you’ve already gone there, learned from it, made a plan and talked to your kids!). But if not, I’d like to add my voice to theirs, to invite you to be proactive and protect your kids as much as possible, from potential harm.
The site is “Defend Young Minds,” and you can get there from here. You can also check out 5 Body Safety Rules here and how to talk to your kids about pornagraphy here.
From the standpoint of my own childhood experiences, I plead with parents to be aware and responsible for the well being and whereabouts of their kids and to arm them with as much knowledge as possible.
But most of all, I pray that you with be able to feel and communicate unconditional love to your children, so that they are full, not empty; brave, not afraid; connected, not alone!
While the evil in our world is unfathomable, and I am saddened that parents need to teach children what to do when they come across it online, I also have great confidence in you as a parent and in your kids!
Years ago, when I was walking with friends, our conversation turned to the confusion and depravity of some event in the news. Sadly, in that moment I became afraid for my future grandkids!
I prayed in my mind that they would be so fiercely loved and so thoroughly taught that they would be able to walk through their lives with truth and strength and joy!
And then a thought, a small child’s voice entered my mind that said, Grandma! We can!
And I believed.
They have battles to fight and souls to save and I am more confident than ever that they will fulfill their unique and important missions!

But kids need a lot of love and help and training right?
This awareness clarifies the truth that there isn’t anything more important than gathering love into our lives (as moms and grandma’s) so that we can minister to them, love them and teach them! They need us to use our moral strength (virtue) to be in love and connected to the Spirit, to make the places where we live, play, worship and teach, holy.
We can’t afford to stay in our funk, or anger or exhaustion or apathy. There’s no time for that.
No, our kids need us to grow up and take charge of our emotions, our testimonies and our time.
They need us now, which is why I am dedicated to doing what I can to minister to you who are raising the next generation. This is why I am teaching the Healing With Love class, so that you can be strengthened and prepared to give your kids what they actually need: your best self full of unconditional love for them.
We are starting a new HWL group in June and I’m excited to say that we are adding a high accountability track, that will make it a deeper and more expansive version of the course! This is for you who have already studied and want to go deeper, or for those of you who want to dive in and learn from the ground up as quickly as possible!
You Lionesses who have participated in the class, please share your wins with your family and friends! I would appreciate the opportunity to love and teach 1000 families before we are done!
Sending you my love and witness that God is in His heaven, full of love for you and yours,

The mission of Lioness at the Door Is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility (because we continue to learn from our own mistakes) and gratitude for the opportunity.