Easy does it Girl.

Do you ever have the sense that everyone else knows something you don’t? That you’re the only one who didn’t catch on to the joke or the make the accomplishment or get the style or whatever it may be?

I think that everyone feels that from time to time.

We are designed to strive for belonging, so it’s not surprising that fitting in feels good.

But know that the ways we fit in are really important! And the real ways don’t include self-abusive thoughts or expectations.

Really fitting in or connecting with others doesn’t come because we’ve crossed every ‘t’ or dotted every ‘i’. It doesn’t come because we have it all together or have more purchasing power than someone else.

Real connections are made between imperfect people who are doing their best to be their best selves, to be kind and loving and inclusive.

Connections happen best when we can risk allowing others to see our true selves and trust that who we are is enough.

You are enough. The striving, serving, falling, rising, rejoicing, grieving, searching, giving and receiving, you.

If you’re feeling in a crunch in your mind, I hope you will take a deep breath, and let the stress and expectations and intensity go. All will be well. You’re much further along than you know.

I wish you the best Tuesday ever!



“I love my life.”

“I am well.”

“I give and receive help and support.”

“I am valued and cherished.”

“My efforts are enough.”

“I am relaxed and happy.”

“My family feels my love.”