Because of you, the world was a better place today.
There was more laughter and fun!

There was encouragement given and kindness shown.

Because of you, life was easier for someone today.
You care and you show it.
You share other’s burdens and help to lighten their load.

Because of you, someone smiled today.
It may have been a baby in your arms or the child whose tears you dried.
It may have been your spouse who felt your love when you smiled in his direction, and meant it.

Because of you, I have greater hope!
I see you in my travels, I meet you on the street and I marvel at your beauty and your strength!
You are fighting the good fight and living with grace.

Because of you, things are better than when you came.
Oh, happy, happy day!

Be well and keep on doing all the simply grand things you’re doing!
Love, love, love,


P.S. This post is for all of you, but I dedicate it to my friend Belle who was born on this day! Love you my friend, thank you for all you are teaching me. xo