Exodus GI Cleanse

Several years ago during a self-care challenge, I wrote this post to share a product/recipe that I love with my clients. Seems like time to share it again. Hope it’s helpful! Photo by Uby Yanes on Unsplash Today, I want to give you a recipe that...

“No” is a Boundary Kids Desperately Need

Ever wonder why your kids ask for things they already know they can’t have or do, with your blessing? “Mom, can I have more candy?” “Mom, can I stay longer at my friend’s house?” “Mom, can I stay up later tonight?”...

The Difference Between Controlling & Leading

Do you want to be more confident in your leadership as a parent? Here are three steps that were reinforced to me recently as an answer to a pleading, parenting prayer! I hope they will help you know you’re solidly on the right path so you can confidently move...

Healthy Lioness Apple Dip

Happy New Year to you! I hope you’re feeling well and have enjoyed being with your people. Over the holidays, our dance class had a mini-party, and this is the apple dip we ate that was carmel deliciousness! It’s always nice to have a healthy version of a...

My Wish For You

Well! Here we are at the top of a new year! I hope you are doing well, recovering from all the holiday craziness (I really hope you’ve gotten at least one good nap!) and anticipating good things to come! While studying one early morning last week, long before...

Download Your FREE Copy of This Valuable Tool!

This is a digital version of our signature Lioness Daily Planner. You can edit and view it on your computer with the option to print out any or all of the pages! A great option for those that prefer the digital format. Or take the file to a print shop for a hardcopy format! We love the versatility of this planner and we hope you do too!

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