How many different ways can you think of to give your mind and body a rest?
The saying goes that a change can be as good as a rest, so at times simply changing the order or composition of your day might be a good idea!
But there are also times when you really need to be away for awhile! I’m referring to the times, minutes or hours or days, when you need to rest from the constant concerns and challenges that are about you each day. {They creep up don’t they, even when you don’t realize it!}
Here are a few ideas for you to consider. See if any of them might inspire you to schedule some down time in the next little while!
Spend an afternoon in the library
Schedule a massage and then keep the sitter long enough for a nap too
Plan an overnight getaway with your spouse at a location in your town or close by
Go to a place of worship and spend time elevating your thoughts
Go for a drive and see the signs of spring
Paint or draw or write about the things you are learning as a parent
Take a dance class
Go to a park with a friend to swing and talk
Take a class on something that interests you- feed your curiosity
Trade baby sitting regularly with a friend and know that each week you will have time to catch up or do nothing at all
Read a biography about someone who accomplished something great for humanity- take notes about what obstacles they faced and overcame
Being refreshed and renewed makes us so much more capable of dealing with life!
Don’t hesitate to create and take breaks regularly! This parenting gig isn’t a sprint, it’s a long, long run, so give yourself permission to rest at regular intervals.
Love to you!