Hello my Sisters!
Kudos to you Lionesses in coaching and seminar! You are moving forward in a big way!
Check-in’s are happening!
New, positive paradigms are being understood. Happier thoughts are being accepted. New habits are being formed. Goals are being met. New life is emerging!
I’ve also been so pleased to witness the understanding of mindset, when it comes to creating patterns for new behavior.

One 7 Steps to Family Wellness seminar client recently said, she goes back to the beginning step, “Spiritual Creation and Practice” to get her mind in a place of openness for the next step. Absolutely brilliant, that is exactly the idea!
Without working on our thoughts at the onset of learning a new skill, we can be confronted with all the old fears and negativity we have entertained for years! And that just might mean being defeated before we begin.
Instead, we can learn and remember to distinguish fiery deceptions with the sweet water of truth.
What deceptions are kicking around in your head today?
My friend, it’s time to splash the truth around and get going!
The truth is that you are loved by God completely, today and always. Not to mention that you are determined, capable, strong, compassionate, humble, teachable and a gift to the world!
Gratefully, we’re all learning, a day at a time, to choose and then choose again, the truth that will set us free.

The 7 Steps to Family Wellness Seminar Series:
1 Spiritual Creation and Practice (Take Charge of Thoughts & Vision)
2 Lighten Your Load
3 Get Clear On Boundaries
4 Primary Food and Self-Care
5 Commit to Creating and Re-Creating Order (Time-Blocking)
6 Nutrition & Your Kitchen
7 Meal Planning, Because Mealtimes Matter (so much!)
The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.