“The family is the building block of society. It is a nursery, a school, a hospital, a leisure place, a place of refuge and a place of rest. It encompasses the whole of society. It fashions our beliefs.

It is the preparation for the rest of our life.”  Margaret Thatcher

Creating a safe place; a place for learning and fun; a nourishing refuge; a place where we feel heard and loved; this is creating home and it’s the greatest work we can do while we are here. This kind of “construction” requires self-understanding, self-acceptance and feeling great love, which for most of us means, there’s work to do within before we will be successful in reaching out!

One of the most beautiful things about families though is that this can all happen simultaneously. We don’t have to be perfect first! We work toward our highest good together. Together is where the magic lives! Together is where we learn to see ourselves as we really are. Together is where we give and receive forgiveness. Together is where love spurs us on to fight our internal battles and win. Together is the key to profound growth and opportunity.

God bless every effort you are making to be healed (whole) and to give, in your growing wholeness, a day at a time, to those who matter most.

Be well.
