Hello my friend! I hope this finds you well.
Today I want to shout out to Lioness Seminar 2019-2020 ladies! You did such an amazing job this past month!
We met Saturday and reported on our assignments. I was blown away with the amount of effort and energy expended to make progress on the goals of “lightening the load” in our environment and schedule. {The outcomes were massive!}
One Lioness said she made it through, among many other things, sorting out a parent’s belongings and clearing a carport full of mystery boxes! Whew! Big job done with faith and perspective….and a deadline.
One Lioness said she is having two sets of company for Thanksgiving and for the first time, she isn’t stressed about her home and preparations! {That is a lot of stress her whole family won’t be dealing with, not to mention that lack of stress will be good for their health!}
Another said she got lists of “things that need attention” posted by the light switches of each room (along with many other efforts) and another said that besides seeing that her home is functioning and de-cluttered, she continues to work to see the win/wins in her large family’s schedule.
I am so very impressed and inspired.

For me, it has been a month of turning the proverbial world on it’s ear while we worked on large home projects and little organizing jobs too! {Isn’t it funny how much chaos a person can create when they take doors off hinges to paint them outside? You know it’s progress, but it just looks like a crazy mess!}
This month’s projects gave me greater empathy for a young mother I love who has been in limbo with a house restoration project for many, many, many months. She has the delightful ability to keep going, knowing that the final outcome is worth the present inconvenience and disruption.
I say she has that ability, but she would probably say she’s not sure, or maybe that she just did what needed to be done. {That counts!}
We truly don’t know what we’re made of until we’re walking the walk, in the middle of growth and change, do we?
Like my friend who has been building a house with her husband and sons this year, I hope I can embrace change and walk through the process it requires without undue stress or drama. Or like my mother and our friend who have jumped into school and are alive with the learning they are experiencing; from balancing life to writing papers and working math equations! {Watching friends is such an instructive process isn’t it?}
I wish all of you the ability to move through the growth and change that is happening in your life today. Whether it looks like progress or chaos just now.
And I remind us all of this faithful perspective:
“All things have been done in the wisdom of him who knoweth all things.” 2 Nephi 2:24
I have these words on my person today. I want them to sink deep and anchor me further to God and His perspective of my life. I hope they will also stick to you and keep you in His love and influence.
Be well!

P.S. Do you ever want to “tesseract through” your goals? I do! And I find that when I am prayerful and intentional about doing the things that will bless our family, I do feel powered through goals I thought might take 100% longer! We truly can ask to be inspired about what to tackle, and then blessed to receive the miracles {friends, tools, time, encouragement} that come to assist our progress. Praise the Lord! And thanks everyone!
P. P. S. Tesseract {beyond known dimensional space} is technically a noun, but since I was 10, I’ve thought of it as a verb!
“La experiencia es la madre de la ciencia. Spanish, my dears. Cervantes. Experience is the mother of knowledge.” Mrs Who took a portion of her white robe in her hands and held it tight.
“You see,” Mrs Whatsit said, “if a very small insect were to move from the section of skirt in Mrs Who’s right hand to that in her left, it would be quite a long walk for him if he had to walk straight across.”
Swiftly Mrs Who brought her hands, still holding the skirt, together.
“Now, you see,” Mrs Whatsit said, “he would be there, without that long trip…”
“What is the first dimension?”
“Well–a line:——-.”
“Okay. And the second dimension?”
“Well, you’d square the line. A flat square would be in the second dimension.”
“And the third?”
“Well, you’d square the second dimension. Then the square wouldn’t be flat anymore. It would have a bottom, and sides and a top.”
“And the fourth?”
“Well, I guess if you want to put it into mathematical terms you’d square the square. But you can’t take a pencil and draw it the way you can the first three. I know it’s got something to do with Einstein and time. I guess maybe you could call the fourth dimension Time.”
“That’s right.” Charles said. “Good girl. Okay, then for the fifth dimension you’d square the fourth wouldn’t you?”
“I guess so.”
“Well, the fifth dimension’s a tesseract. You add that to the other four dimensions and you can travel through space without having to go the long way around. In other words, to put it into Euclid, or old-fashioned plane geometry, a straight line is not the shortest distance between two points.”
Madeleine L’Engle, A Wrinkle in Time.
The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.