Have you been challenged to consider the things that are truly worthy of your time and attention? I think it’s a grand idea!
We can be busy and involved but not necessarily doing what matters most.
If we choose to spend our time on things that seem all important, but are actually a substitute for what is most important, we will trade our lives for an illusion.
We can never get enough of what we don’t need, because what we don’t need won’t fulfill us in the long run.
It’s like eating junk food.
Because we can’t get nourishment from those high calorie-low nutrient food science products, we eat more and more and more and still feel undernourished. Overfed, but undernourished. Never reaching a feeling of peaceful satiation.
So it is with our time.
What matters most, what will pay the greatest dividends to our happiness, is our loving relationships. They will always give a greater return on our investment of time and energy than the projects and ambitions that can never fully satisfy our need for having a life rich in connection, meaning and purpose.
Here’s to a close look at where we are and where we want to go!
Much love to you,

The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.
Love this! Especially this time of year. And going into the New Year. It goes along perfectly with some things I’ve been thinking about.
I’m so glad! Me too, I love turning the calendar over! xo
Love this! Especially this time of year. And going into the New Year. It goes along perfectly with some things I’ve been thinking about.