We’re trying to train a dog at our house. Holy cow, what a humble learning curve we’re on!

Some years ago I read a book for a class (I believe it was a behavioral psychology class) called Don’t Shoot The Dog by Karen Pryor.

Then somewhere in our last move, I strangely lost it…or you can bet I’d be quoting it to you tonight!

It was a great book and gave such insights into parenting! I throw that out to you if you’d like a little inspiration. I remember her saying that before you become a parent you ought to learn how to train a chicken! Train a chicken? Pretty sure I didn’t know that was possible. {And now that we own chickens, I’m even more astounded at the thought!}

So here we are with family dog #5, and we’re finally getting semi-serious about learning how to do some training. Well besides the potty training we have done several times now…

One video we watched this week pointed out the when you call a dog to come to you, you only call once. And you only call when you know they can hear you and are able to obey. {Think of that toddler at your house!}

It said that you want them to learn to come to you for some positive feedback, not to be scolded or disciplined. Note, while they are learning to come, it’s important that they feel that there will be something safe and positive when they do as you ask.

So, what happens when you call a child over and over? {I am guilty of this myself.} Probably a few things:

One, your frustration level goes up. Two, they learn to tune you out.

Food for thought?

I remember when my kids were little having someone point out this scripture to me:

Abraham 4:18 And the Gods watched those things which they had ordered until they obeyed.”

After that bit of enlightenment, I hope my parental behavior changed to include more watchfulness! Just our patient presence often times is enough for kids to quickly do what they have been asked to do. They may watch you to make sure that you meant what you said!

My hat is off to you young parents who are working so hard and giving so much, all on little sleep! May heaven bless you and give you the strength and compassion you need {for yourself and your children and your spouse} to keep learning and teaching as you go.

Be well.



P.S. If you notice that you are generally asking for compliance many more times than once, that may be a clue that you are trying to do too much and there isn’t enough of you to go around! I’d challenge you to slow down, lower your expectations and lighten up on yourself and others.

P.P.S. “I am a good mother.”
“I am learning every day.”
“I love my children and have a clear focus on their well-being.”
“I am caring for myself so that I can be a pleasant and positive mother.”