Coming soon to Lioness is a stunning bouquet of declarations set to music and illustrated with inspiring pictures! The intent is to fill your mind with words of truth about who you are with music that will bring those words to life and make them mentally “sticky” along with colorful visions about your creative journey and a reminder of the beauty of each day. I will challenge you to watch or listen to the video daily and let the messages lift your spirits and train your brain.

Can’t wait to share it with you!

Meanwhile, how is this week going for you thus far?

May I challenge you to set a timer on your phone at several intervals throughout the next few days to remind yourself to take a few deep breaths? To lower your shoulders and relax your jaw? In those few moments, also consider running a few hand-picked declarations through your mind that will keep you on track with your current goals. They might be as simple as,
“I am smiling at my children,” or
“I am moving forward” or
“I am calm and happy.”

By deliberately using your agent-hood, you will diminish the temptation to feel like a martyr taking up the slack or like a victim to the circumstances of your life.

Your words are your power.

Love always,
