I am happy to announce that I’ll be sending out a series of posts on the topic of intentionally creating home; a place where your people feel welcomed, loved, fed, challenged, held accountable, nourished and most of all, where they feel they belong.
Time and loving attention are the currency of successful relationships, so yeah, let’s all be millionaires in the relationships and learning we’ll take with us!
I am passionate about the doctrine of family, and have lived with this goal of creating home for many years, all the while making many mistakes and falling short of this or any ideal.
But, at the end of the day, I wouldn’t have chosen my life any other way. Being at home with our kids is easily the most important and rewarding career I could have imagined.

Well, what I do wish I could change in hindsight and with more experience and understanding, is the fact that I’ve spent so much time feeling sorry for myself. Of thinking and acting like the victim of my life. Of being critical or silent or indignant or impatient.
But, the only way to learn to do anything else, (since we are after all human) is to live each day with our people and try each day to learn a bit more how to love and accept ourselves and each other!
That means a lot of “I’m sorry’s” and forgiveness! Many late night talks, hugs and good cries; spilled milk and dirty laundry along with honest work and satisfaction in a job well done; it means a lot of missed sleep, prayer, learning, accepting, teaching, fun, adventure, getting a painful clue now and then and a lot of pure joy!
I challenge those of you who still have children at home to cut out as many of the distractions as you can, focus on filling yourself up with deep, solid, love, (not usually available on social right?) and hone the skill of loving and teaching at the same time.
We give what we have and our kids need the real thing!
So, let’s dig in and make today count.
Let’s learn something new and become a little more accountable than we were yesterday.
Let’s stop thinking, speaking and acting like victims and wake up to the reality of the blessed privilege it is to raise a family!

Everything’s not perfect at your house? Mine either! But we don’t have to wait until it is, to count our billions of blessings and stand up more often to be the caring, available, loving adults our kids need.
This is what we’re about at Lioness.
I wish you every good thing, aka the opportunity to love and be loved.