I’m so glad you’re here! Day 10! Yay for us! How are you feeling about self-care at this point? Is the constant need of caring for yourself becoming clearer? Have you implemented any of the ideas you have read thus far? If so, I’d sure love to hear about your success!
In fact I’m going to shout out to Heather R.! Jenny! Stacy! Carli! Kelsey! Kaylyn! Jenna! Rachel! Lannette! Amie! Emily! Katelyn! Shaunna! Heather B.! Becky! And anyone else who is along for this ride! Thank you for the comments you have made! If you haven’t chimed in, please do. There is so much to learn from each person’s experience and ideas! Doesn’t have to be anything big, just telling some small thing you’ve done that has nourished you would be wonderful.

Photo by Uby Yanes on Unsplash
Today, I want to give you a recipe that has been a Godsend to our family.
{I’m also going to include a website where you can buy this self-care product already made, but this is not a paid endorsement. I just sincerely want to share something that I think should be in every family kitchen in the world!}
No, not a recipe for something to eat, exactly, but something to help you if you don’t feel like eating; or if you ate something that didn’t agree with you; or something to calm an upset stomach; or help clean up a yeast overgrowth or any number of other things.
The recipe is for a GI cleaner! And it is amazing! (This is SUPER self-care right?!)
My friend Jonell Francis experienced many health challenges in her late teens and early adulthood. She is such a thinker and a doer that after a period of time of not getting completely well, she dug in and learned all she could about her health. Eventually, she did get well, and in the process, has been able to help many others improve their health through her company, My Feel Good Foods, now Tumtree.
I have really enjoyed her products, but also her Feel Good Foods cookbook, https://myfeelgoodfoods.com/store/feel-good-cookbook/ which is where I found the recipe for the famed Exodus GI Sponge! (Now tumtree.life)

Exodus GI Sponge – Gut Cleanse
Exodus GI Sponge is a whole food supplement engineered to be your bowel’s best friend.
Made from natural food fibers, minerals, and a special blend of herbs and spices, Exodus is the final answer to stomachaches, nausea, acid indigestion, and unwanted weight gain.
After using the first jar I ordered, I thought this is something I’d like to have on hand for the rest of forever! So I decided to follow the recipe and mix up a batch of my own. With Jonell’s permission, I share this treasure with you:
Exodus GI Sponge
1 cup psyllium husk powder
1 cup apple fiber or apple pectin
1/2 cup bentonite, orso or green clay
3 Tbs. senna leaf powder
1 Tbs. cinnamon
1/2 Tbs. ginger
Glory be, it worked too!
So if general gut health is important to you, or if you have ever battled Candida, or if you need to drop some weight, or if you have food allergies, or if you like to occasionally do a little cleansing, you might want to try Jonell’s Exodus GI Sponge, and or mix up a batch of your own. {I have enjoyed having the original, labeled jar.}
This is safe for kids and the elderly, pregnant or nursing moms; so gentle and simple and natural. Not only that, but it works better than any prescription or over-the-counter product I’m aware of!
Remember, that in order for you to be in vibrant health, your guts need to be in vibrant health! Our intestines feel and think and do so much for keeping our chemistry balanced, food digested and of course, wastes cleaned out.
1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon of Exodus GI Sponge, followed by 8 ounces of water first thing in the morning is a game-changer!
What else are you doing for your insides? Eating fiber? Eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables? Drinking sufficient amounts of water? Staying away from trans-fatty foods, chlorinated water, artificial flavors, colors and stimulants? Good for you!
I wish you wellness, from the inside out!

As requested, here is the video for your daily dose! {Thank you Becky!}
“The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.”
What is the best way to take this? Capsulated, stirred into water, a smoothie? Just curious how you like it. ?
Wow that sounds great! The only ingredients I have in that recipe is cinnamon and ginger (no surprize there ?). Where would I find the other 4 ingredients?
I have purchased the other items at vita cost.com or amazon. If you can get to a health food store, they’d have these things too. The clay, I buy at Redmond in a bucket since it’s less expensive in bulk….and I use it a lot for other things too!
Thank you for asking Lannette! Xo
I love the ideas I’ve been reading about so far! I consider my morning prayers and scriptures one of my most important self care routines.
I’ve appreciated the reminder about drinking enough water. It has been a good thing for me to keep in mind through the busy of the last couple weeks. I am hoping to try all these ideas at some point!
I drink it in water. I shake it in a cup with a lid and then just drink it down! Then follow it with another 8 ounces of water. Thank you for the question Heather! Xo
Hello Jenna! Good for you! I agree about the spiritual food first. It makes all the difference for me too.
I’m excited to be doing this challenge on the blog so that the ideas are always there for future reference. I hope they will serve you well!
Thank you for chiming in! Xo
Can’t wait to try this recipe! Thank you!
You’re welcome!
Hi Jaque. I’m your second cousin from Colorado. I’m new to your lovely website. The Exodus GI Sponge looks great! I am in the process of healing from Leaky Gut syndrome, so I know how important gut health is, and what a challenge it can be to find things that help.