Your children are young right now.
They won’t be tomorrow.
They are curious and hungry to learn.
They learn from play and experimentation and discovering the world in their own backyard!
This all happens just once.

Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash
Mud pies and stink bugs, a curly dog, a sunning cat and a feather blowing in the wind. Children are present so they can enjoy and learn from all of the simplest things.
Yes, they will benefit from developing talents and playing on teams, but they also thrive in free play, in learning to work around the home, from sitting in a tree with a good book.
We only get to be rambunctious, care-free, curious kids once.
Moms and dads might consider scaling back expectations – and their worries about college prospects and future careers to make time for all of the simple, unscheduled joys of living!
When you hear, “Mom, will you watch me do a back flip on the tramp?”
Say, “Yes!”
Your children living in the present moment is a sweet, once-in-a-life-time invitation for you to be present too!
The self-care challenge for today is to follow the lead of your children and practice being present. Just be.
{And we’d all love to hear about the fun you have!}
Today while feeding the baby, my 3 yr old asked, “Mom you scratch my back please? I ask manners.” I couldn’t say no to that. I stopped reading and had some bonding time with him. Thanks for the reminder!
Oh, what a sweet little guy! I’m glad you had that time with him. In a minute he’ll be 30 and living far away! Wise Mama. xo