I hope you’re having a great week thus far, and I hope you are enjoying the video and blog post prompts to shift the way you care for yourself.
I’m so glad you’re here!

Today, I want to encourage you to take 10-15 minutes and write out 5-10 declarations that will support you, based on the challenges you are currently facing.
Let me explain.
You’re hearing in the video, declarations of truth about you as a Divine daughter, wife, mother, sister and friend.
I believe that every statement is absolutely true, and that the more you hear them, the more you will believe and then act on them.
What are declarations exactly? Declarations are present-tense, positive statements designed to help you jump past faulty beliefs to clearer, truer beliefs about yourself.
I have found that they are most powerful when they are crafted to meet the obstacle that is before you right now!
For instance, if fear of something is keeping you from moving forward, you might declare a new assertive approach in taking giant leaps forward!
If you feel worried about an upcoming event, you can turn it around and clearly state your faith and trust that things are going to turn out well.
A habitual thought might be:
“I can never stay on top of cleaning this house!”
The declaration you craft to counter that belief might be:
“I love my clean home! I plan my work and work my plan!”
Or you might think to yourself,
“No one appreciates the work I do every day.”
Recognizing the energy-zapping negativity in those words you could instead declare,
“My work is important and I can feel gratitude from my family every day.”
The truth is, we can’t change other people, but we can change our focus which can change our beliefs, which can change our perception!
We can chose to speak of the things we want as if they were present to us, and our minds believe us!
If we spend time worrying, we are using our creative energy backwards!
We are agents, not objects. That means we have been given the power to act instead of waiting to have something or someone act upon or for us.
If we go with the flow of the negativity in our minds, we are being sloppy, lazy and unwise!
When we hear ourselves singing the song of self-pity or even self-contempt, we can stop and repent! Right now!
And no worries, this exercise doesn’t take long!
Grab a paper and a pencil. Think about something that is giving you grief or that you are wondering how you are going to handle.
Then flip it around and write it out in positive present tense!
“I’m not very good at exercising and heaven knows I need to lose this weight!” Flip!
“I exercise in ways that are fun for me! I love my body and I thank Heaven for it!”
“I don’t know if I can keep up with this self-care challenge…?” Flip!
“I enjoy every minute of learning to better care for myself! I am investing in the health of my whole family when I give myself what I need each day.”
Girl! You’ve got this declaration writing thing!
Now, once you write your personal declarations down, put them to work by repeating them 2-3 times each day. Post them where you will see them. Say them aloud. Sing them at the top of your lungs or say them in a whisper. Just do what it takes to get them in your head!
This I promise you: They. Are. Life. Changing.
Be your fierce, loving, tender, supportive happy self by deciding now to be in charge of the way you think.
You get to chose what conversation is happening in your pretty head!
It takes practice, but you can do it!
Sending you lots of love,

"The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity."