With the climate of “do more to have more” permeating every waking moment of our culture, here’s a declaration to try out:

“I am content.”

This little sentence is a treasure. I challenge you to try using it in your declarations night and morning for a week and see what changes come about in your mind and heart.

We already have so much. The feeling of contentment, while maybe foreign for most, is amazing! It nips every ad and billboard and popup commercial and sales pitch in the bud!

I don’t know what the stats are about how many millions of dollars are spent per person in the US to convince us that we need something more than what we already have. But I’m sure the number is staggering because there is never a moment without something being offered and something being sold.

“I am content” focuses on gratitude, on being enough and having enough.

Let me know what experience you have with this wonderful gem, will you?

Lots of love to you today!
