In the long, long run, what is going to make you happiest?

I read recently about a longitudinal study of a group of Harvard University students. The study began in the 1939 and followed the students for the rest of their lives. {In fact, in 2012, 68 of the 268 who started in the program were still alive and in their 90’s.}

Amazing data is still being pulled from years of interviews, medical records, neuroimaging scans, DNA analysis and other records that have been added to the 50 filing cabinets that are now full of data from this research.

Some of the many and on-going findings that really stick out to me at this point are:

1 57% of the divorces in the lives of the participants involved alcoholism.
2 “Being in a good marriage buffers you from the effects of pain and disability.”
3 Going to college is more important in determining success than money or social status.
Here’s a fun one:
4 The quality of vacations in early life (“a measure of the ability to play”) has more to do with happiness in adulthood than income does.
5 Love and attention from parents and childhood happiness is strongly correlated to adult happiness.

You may think these findings are what you would have expected. Maybe they seem like no-brainers. At least what seems to be most significant and validating to parents of small children is that what you are doing now matters to the life-long happiness of your children. Money and status don’t show up as being the “happiness determining factors” we are often led to believe that they are.

If you struggle to feel that the work you are doing with your family is “important enough” or worthy of praise and recognition, remember that the stability and growing experiences you are providing for your children now will be influencing their happiness into their adult lives. It’s a priceless gift!

I hope you are enjoying your days and the simple, yet miraculous treasure of being with those you love. And isn’t it wonderful that we get better over time!?

Be happy!

