Recently, we attended a beautiful celebration for the wedding of our nephew and his sparkly bride.
Afterward, this left-over arrangement ended up at our house. I enjoyed it so much because I don’t know that I’ve ever seen hydrangea in this delicate blush color.

I decided to take a picture so I could share it with you, but after-the-fact and more importantly, I decided to share how the picture came into being, hopefully to illustrate a point! It happened like this:
I came home from church, saw the flowers and thought, wow, these are so pretty I’d better take a picture before they begin to fade, took off my shawl, spread it out on the table, set the flowers on top of that, saw that the black-framed family pictures on the wall were going to be in the frame so I stood up my trusty piece of white foam board, by leaning it on my husband’s water bottle behind the flowers (the board that has someone’s job chart on the other side), slid a few pieces of the 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle on the table out of the way, and took the picture.
What’s more, we had hosted family the day before, so the table had extra leaves in it (plus, the puzzle was there) and extra chairs were standing around too. I had probably started making lunch, so the counter, behind me and the camera was most likely covered with food preparations.
But, all you can see in the picture is the flowers! The camera’s focus on that one small area helped me capture the thing of beauty I wanted to share and remember.
This got me to thinking about that fact that in the middle of our life’s messes, because the chaos that comes with creation can be so distracting, it can be challenging to focus in and see what beautiful things are actually happening.
Things like:
Children growing and discovering the world! (Yes, that can be quite a chaotic process!)
Food being prepared and eaten and cleaned-up and prepared and eaten and cleaned-up and prepared and eaten and cleaned-up…(you know this crucial-to-life merry-go-round so well!)
A marriage being built, (one day at a time).
Mistakes being made.
Misunderstanding followed by new resolutions and greater unity.
Ample times and reasons for repentance, for everyone.
Seasons and gifts of forgiveness and grace.
Lessons learned.
Faith being strengthened.
Two steps forward, one step back.
This is life.
And it’s a privilege, a thing of resplendent beauty!
So, I challenge you with this question: Where can you put your focus today that will help you see things as they really are, (and hopefully get your sight off of what the process may look like)?
Could you focus in on that toothy grin of the little girl in the high chair? (She’s learning so fast!)
On the brightly colored footie pajamas that have been worn in between changes of clothes three times today by a four-year-old who is learning the alphabet? (What a little fire cracker! I wonder what grand things she is going to accomplish in this world!)
On the boy’s who is learning to help by noticing when baby sister needs a drink or a bib or a snack? (What an outstanding man-in-the-making!)
Or, on the moments of fun and friendship that are the point of all the preparations?
On the joy that’s there when you allow yourself to take a break and come into the moment and to full awareness? I hope so!
Today, wherever you are and whatever you’re up to, know that you are good enough. Without moving a mountain. Without things being exactly the way you’d like. Without having your world in constant order.
No, no proof is necessary: You are worthy and wonderful right now, and often chaos means that something is being created, even if that something is greater order! (Like how my bed looked after we cleaned out the closet!)
Instead of pushing too hard, please breathe! Stop now and take a few deep, belly breaths. Then let it out through pursed lips.
Relax your shoulders. Slacken your jaw. Shake your arms. Let tension and stress leave you.
All is well.
Inhale and repeat the declaration: “All is well in my world.” Slowly exhale. And, inhale, “I am loved!” Exhale.
I send my love and appreciation to you, for the seriously important work you are doing; making love-filled connections with and places of belonging for God’s children. (That’s the real focus isn’t it?)
May He bless you with His perspective and consequently, with His peace!

The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.
I love this post! Thank you for sharing your wisdom!
Hi Girl! I’m glad you liked it, thanks for being here! xo