Pushing my granddaughter on a swing, seeing her laughing and loving the wind in her hair, her little legs running through the air and her joy in going higher, I was struck by my own sheer enjoyment! My face hurt from smiling so hard! I loved being there in the sleepy little town we were passing through, watching her face light up when she saw the one yellow swing waiting for her.

I realized that the backdrop of a crisp blue sky, the white, billowy clouds blowing by and bright colored playground equipment were so vivid to me because I was really there and present in the moment.

And, as I considered the reason for the intensity of my feelings, it occured to me that the grandma I am today was born from being the mother I was. The mother I was understands that the expectant mother waiting for us in the car, was once the little girl I was pushing on the swing, only now I know that time doesn’t wait for us! It marches on and doesn’t stop. Even when we are busy. Even when we are overcommitted. Even when, for whatever reason,we are preoccupied and unthinking or unseeing.

And whether we have heard and seen and enjoyed and delighted…or not…the moments are gone. And our children are grown.

So, if it is at all possible for you to take my word for it, know as I know, that life is made of moments that are not here to stay.

Love those little faces and truly hear those little voices. Oh, it just all happens way too fast!

I wish you the ability to wring every ounce of joy out of your mothering days as you possibly can!

All my love,
