An interesting excerpt from a great book, French Women Don’t Get Fat by Mireille Guilaiano.

“French women typically think about good things to eat.

American women typically worry about bad things to eat.

French women eat smaller portions of more things.

American women eat larger portions of fewer things.

French women eat more vegetables.

French women eat a lot more fruit.

French women love bread and would never consider a life without carbs.

French women don’t eat “fat-free,” “sugar-free,” or anything artificially stripped of natural flavor. They go for the real thing in moderation.

French women love chocolate, especially the dark, slightly bitter, silky stuff with its nutty aroma.

French women eat with all five senses, allowing less to seem like more.

French women balance their food, drink, and movement on a week-by-week basis.

French women do stray, but they always come back, believing there are only detours and no dead ends.

French women don’t often weigh themselves, preferring to keep track with their hands, eyes and clothes: “zipper syndrome.”

French women eat three meals a day.

French women don’t snack all the time.

French women never let themselves be hungry.

French women never let themselves feel stuffed.

French women train their taste buds and those of their young, from an early age.

French women honor mealtime rituals and never eat standing up or on the run. Or in front of the TV.

French women walk everywhere they can.

French women drink water all day long.”

I quote this because I think it is inspiring! I believe we have gone far astray from natural, normal or healthy eating {whichever term fits best} and this list gives a bit of perspective.

Shifting from eating artificially flavored, colored, textured and generally de-natured foods to whole, flavorful, colorful and delightful food is a journey. One so worth taking!

I wish you all the best in your dietary and health goals! And I’d recommend the book!

Be well!

