When you think back over your life, isn’t it amazing how there are most likely, just a handful of people who had a massive impact on you?

And, when it comes right down to it, there may have been fewer still who, all by themselves, helped you to be who you are.

Your parents, or grandparents, a trusted adviser or friend.

It’s difficult to quantify just how much those people moved the course of things, isn’t it?

So why is it that sometimes we don’t think that we’re that important? Just one person. Just one regular, insignificant, average sort. What can one person do?

Well, I’d guess that the people you had and have close to you feel indispensable, don’t they?

And turning that equation around to you being the indispensable one, you are the whole world to someone, and most likely several someone’s.

What a critical role you have in their lives! How your decisions and your vision and your goals and your determination and your love matter to them. Of course they may not know that all those things matter to them, they just want you. But you know that all of those things about you make you who you are.

Just one person is important to God. So we mustn’t ever get sucked into the deception that just one person doesn’t matter that much.

You matter. So much.

Thank you for all you are giving and for all of the times you keep going even when you are tired and maybe feeling that your contribution is insignificant. It’s not.

Sending you love and blessings!
