It was brought home to me very powerfully this week, to hear a sweet young mother giving thanks for what she has and adjusting her outlook to the parameters that are her reality right now.

Her gratitude, in the midst of what has been frustrating circumstances in her life, was like a call to all who know her to rally to her aid and rejoice with her in the blessing she acknowledged!

That beautiful energy of light and inspiration came through her words and touched my heart.

What beauty surrounds us as we find ways to accept the things we cannot change and find the strength and courage to seek out the good and give thanks and appreciation for the blessings that are always overflowing, whether we notice them or not.

Have a wonderful, counting blessings week ahead!

Love, love, love,


Thanks for the inspiration Bree!!

“I love my life.”

“I am decisive and prompt.”

“I give thanks in all things.”

“I receive insight in the midst of offering gratitude.”