Wherever you are in your journey, no matter how sleep deprived or worried or challenged this day found you–I hope you make it a joyful day! 

First off, jump down to the bottom and get the music rolling will you? Then come back…

Isn’t it beautiful? The water and the birds and violins, ah, I love it so much!

Now onto a few questions that may help you to have some joy on this Valentine’s Day:

When you’re in a space of loving and accepting yourself, how do you dress? Do you wear lipstick or just moisture?

How do you walk when you are in self-appreciation? Loosely with no cares? What do you listen to? {Pachelbel, right?}

How do you smile and what makes you smile when you’re at ease with yourself?

What do you eat when you are being good to yourself? {I don’t mean a splurging kind of good, but nurturing good!}

Most importantly, how do you treat others when you are feeling good? This is where it all really starts to make sense doesn’t it?!

My challenge for you is this: as you move away from this post, please do all you can to show yourself the love and care that you need. Pour it on! Smile at yourself, breathe deeply, let your shoulders relax, let go of your concerns. Say a prayer of gratitude. Feel heaven nearby. Wrap yourself in sweetness and all of that sweetness will spill over onto everyone you meet today. Because every person you meet is needing to feel loved too.

You are loved!



