Derives from the Latin hospes, meaning “host”, “guest”, or “stranger”. …

hos·pi·tal·i·ty; noun the friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors,or strangers.
ynonyms: friendliness, hospitableness, warm reception, welcome, helpfulness, neighborliness, warmth, kindness, congeniality, geniality, cordiality, courtesy, amenability, generous.

What awesome words–friendly, generous and warm! What about a little hospitality at home?

Where people feel comfortable and cared-for?

Seems like the little things count so much in creating that kind of welcoming atmosphere.

Food, always food!


A small note of appreciation.

A snack waiting.

This kind of graciousness is something that children can and want to join in because the are already kind and thoughtful!

Consider ways you would treat a guest, then do those things for yourself and those you love best…

You’re amazing! I pray for you and send you my love and best wishes for a wonderful day.

