Listen up! This post will be short and golden. By golden, I mean there’s a life-changing treasure right here my friend!

With your new or brushed-up validating skills, how are you treating yourself?

When you make a plan to take care of yourself, are you honoring that plan?

I was reminded recently that confidence is gained through keeping our commitments to ourselves. And that’s a life-long quest!

One of the most powerful mantras I’ve ever used, is simply, “I like myself.  I love myself.”

If you haven’t tried it, give it a shot.  You’ll know you need to employ this tool whenever you are feeling snappy or frustrated or down. Amazing how self-acceptance, or rather the lack of it, is most often at the root of all of our slow vibration moments.

If you want to prove the point to yourself, the next time you are angry or frustrated with someone else, take a quick look through your mental log and see what negative or cutting thing just crossed your mind about you

It’s as if you’re on the defense from a self-injurious thought or comment first, and then the blame gets shifted to whomever happens to be close by. Yes, it sounds too simple, but give it a go.  See what you discover. {If you are constantly down on yourself, you may not hear the put-downs right away. 

It may take some practice shining a light on your mental chatter. But once you tune into what you are actually doing to yourself, you will be in a position to make massive changes very quickly!}

You can immediately shift your feelings by saying these simple words, I like myself, I love myself. Say them until you feel the shift and then move on in your interactions with others.

It is so effective, it feels miraculous.

Be lovable. Be loved. And start with yourself.

All my best!
