To those of you who have attended the Lioness at the Door 7 Steps to Family Wellness, seven-month seminar, may I ask a favor of you?

Would you think for a bit about the most important take away you had from your experience in seminar and share it in a comment here?

God willing, we will start the 2017 series this month and I’d love for those who are thinking about registering, to hear your favorite or most life-changing lessons.

Our 2016 groups were stellar and I love all of you!

Here is a sneak peek at what you will find in the 7 Steps Workbook:

“Now, if you’re a champion at hearing negatives, believing negatives, and feeling crippled and then paralyzed by negatives, you will have to understand that this process of learning to take control of your mind, or rather to redirect it over and over until the negative default habit is curbed,will actually make chemical changes in your body and you may encounter resistance to this new way of thinking.  Not to mention that since you have believed these untruths for so long, the truth may sound downright fake and utterly wrong!  That is, of course, more nonsense!  We are God’s children, full of promise and infinite value possessing the power to choose and to learn from our experiences.  It follows then that to progress, to move forward, we have to become our own best advocate, hear the blatant lies we have believed, and proverbially kick them to the curb!  We are Lionesses!  We are family leaders!  This is the battle to fight; the interior battle for peace within. Then we can begin to tackle other problems in our personal and family terrain.”

No more being victimized by negative thoughts. No more!”

That is a good reminder for me today. I hope it is good food for thought for you too.

If you know of someone who would thrive in seminar, please spread the word! I look forward to another growing year with another great group!


6 comments on “7 Steps Seminar Coming!”

  1. In a nutshell, the Lioness at the Door coaching program has been the best investment in almost 11 years of marriage. I felt drawn to it when I was pregnant with my third child and my husband was in his first year of an intense new career. I’m confident that it made the transition to three little boys infinitely smoother than it would have been, and it also prepared me for my recent transition from quitting my part time dream job that I loved to being a full time SAHM and feeling fulfilled, peaceful and even joyful with that decision and current reality.

    I am not a perfect mom, wife and homemaker now, but I am an EMPOWERED one. I’ve learned how to more fully take accountability for myself and my life and I feel like I have the tools, vision, perspective and support group (one of the best things about this!!) to truly be a “joyful mother of children.” For anyone that knows my background, that is a huge deal. Jaque’s coaching has helped me harness my ambition, drive, intelligence and other gifts and apply it in the most important arena in the world – my home. And to truly come to feel that this IS the most important arena in the world and feel challenged and fulfilled. I would highly recommend this to any mom looking for answers, looking for change, looking for hope, looking for direction, looking to be better (and isn’t that all of us??). I feel happier in my life than I ever thought I could, more empowered, purposeful and peaceful. Just do it – and REALLY do it – and you won’t regret it. It’s changed my life, and therefore the life of my family, forever (I hesitated to put that last sentence because it sounds cheesy, but it’s TRUE!!)

    • Thank you Heather, I am moved by your determination and dedication! It was a joy to have you in seminar and I am so grateful to live close and to be able to stay connected! Thank you for your friendship. xoxox

  2. I LOVED being part of the 2016 group, and I still think about what I learned. Daily I think about! I had so many take aways, #1 being that my role as a mother is POWERFUL and how I feel about ME directly reflects how I mother and what my children experience. Jacque helped me learn that to be the kind of mother we want to be, requires a bravery and strength that comes from within. It starts inside. It’s not about the perfect pantry or the pinterest worthy house. Although, she guides you through homemaking as well. But when your purpose is centered and your thoughts are aligned, you truly have POWER to change yourself and thus change your family for the better. My family is more unified and I am happier and feel stronger and more able after taking this course. She gives you concrete tools to use through out the month to practice and try so you can really SEE the difference in your home and in yourself! Nourishing the soul first gives you more power to serve and love with positive energy and clarity. Thank you so much Jacque! Take this course!!

    • Sarah, I am so happy to hear your voice! (I wish I could see you Provo ladies far more often!) Thank you for your kind words. Your work and efforts are the power and I applaud your desires to be your best! Thank you for all you contributed to the class as well. Love and miss you! xoxo

  3. I hope your next seminar can get started soon and I hope your recovery is going well! Sending lots of love your way! ?

    The biggest takeaway from the Lioness program (I can only choose one??? ;))
    I think would be my confidence as a wife and mom. Also a stronger belief in the importance of my role and my ability to fulfill it. Going through the steps gave me very practical teaching and skills, along with the support to make changes and become better. I think I could go through this program fifty times and still come out better than before and with a renewed desire to live up to my God given potential. I can’t say enough good things about Lioness, it has totally changed my life for the better!

    • Oh, thank you Heather! You put in the effort and did the work! So, so glad to have you as part of an incredible group last year. I feel changed by seminar each year myself. XO