What’s going on in your world today? I hope you are well!

Do you ever get so focused in on the challenges you are trying to solve that they actually eclipse everything else that is going right?

Here are a few questions to add a little perspective.

Do you have water to drink?

Do you have a warm place to sleep?

Are you able to sit next to your child?

Can you spend time reading together?

Do you have food to eat?

Do you have electricity and hot water? {Oh, blessed hot water!}

Do you have a coat to wear this winter?

Do you have supportive relationships in your life?

Say yes to most of these questions and wow, what a wonderful life!

I hope you are keeping perspective. When the challenges we have get too close and obstruct our vision, we need to push them out, away from such close inspection for a little while, and look around at all that is working well, and all the ways we are blessed.

And sometimes that is difficult to do.

But we can get better at balancing our perspective. Heaven help us to balance better everyday!

Love and thanks to you for all you are doing to add kindness and love to our world. You’re the best!


P.S. {This post was inspired by a film I saw about a volunteer program that gives inmates the opportunity to record themselves reading and singing for their children to listen to at home. It rips at my heart to think of being away from my loved ones in that way. Particularly if it meant being separated from my children! What a luxury it is to be together. How free and wealthy we are!}