I hope you are having a good week. It seems that everything is magnified this time of year…the push and rush, the pressure to create a good Christmas for our families, the need to exercise amidst a crazy schedule, the need for rest and regular good meals, etc.

But I’d say that the thing we need more intensely right now more than anything else is to let ourselves feel the love we have. The love we have for God and the gift of His Son as we celebrate Christmas. The love we have for ourselves that moves us to care for our well being. The love we have for our spouse that makes it possible to be gracious and understanding when things are difficult. The love we have for our children that prompts us to act with their best interests in mind, which may translate into enforcing bedtime and give us the oomph to continue to make simple and nourishing meals for them, to limit the treats and continue with quiet times and naps.

It is interesting how we can get love mixed up! We love, therefore we:
try again
say no
show affection freely
listen with our full attention

remove boundaries
neglect (to free up OUR time)
rant, scape goat
neglect our needs so that we are irritable and possibly resentful (wish I had never done this!)

The party is only as fun as we are feeling well. Even in, no especially in times of pressure, our kids need our boundaries.

Remember, the the key words:



I wish you a health and happiness as you continue to hone your skills. It surely takes time and practice! I’m still practicing and I’d guess I will be for the rest of my days.

Be well my friend!
