C. S, Lewis wrote, “The homemaker has the ultimate career. All other careers exist for one purpose only–and that is to support the ultimate career.”
How do you feel about this statement? As a homemaker and lover of all things family, it makes a lot of sense to me!
Except it seems about the opposite of how mothers and their crucial work are regarded by our culture.

But who can argue in truth about the important work mothers are called to do?
In the first place, without moms, women who are willing to carry and nurture a child in their own body for nine months, no one gets to be here. (Our culture is even seeing this act of willing pregnancy as a victim role!) Secondly, the influence of mothers is deep and wide and we know this because:
1 When we connect with our parenting role well, and learn what we need to learn in order to love and teach and connect with our kids, the world is blessed in far reaching ways, for generations!
2 And when we devalue our role, put our time, energy and focus elsewhere, or go in search of some pseudo form of love or value (like praise or power or pleasure or safety), our physical, mental and emotional absence can affect generations as well!
So why does it seem like the message we’re getting from our culture is that real living, real learning & engagement, worthwhile challenge, roles of power and influence and exciting endeavors and even happiness and fulfillment are found elsewhere?
I want to state as clearly as I possibly can; that cultural message simply isn’t true. In fact, the heart of the real world is right where you are!
It’s in your laundry room where you’re sorting clothes or working on a project;
it’s in your garden where things grow in their season;
it’s definitely in your kitchen as you prepare food for your family;
it’s in your bedrooms where you’re putting clean sheets on beds;
it’s on the couch where you are reading picture books to little ones;
it’s there where you’re making a menu plan or working on a budget;
it’s at your desk where you are studying scripture and writing in your journal;
it’s in full bloom when you’re teaching your kids and laughing together;
it’s definitely there as you help and comfort a baby in the night;
it’s there when you’re dancing in the kitchen with your spouse or lip syncing with wooden spoon mics;
it’s there on steroids when you are practicing telling the truth about yourself and repenting;
it’s in your yard and even the fence you share with your neighbor;
But mostly, it’s in the faces and voices and beings of your family and friends!
There is no “out there” that even comes close to offering the deep connection, belonging, identity, communion and meaning that a healthy home and family can!
So I’ll just say it: even though the world doesn’t see the value of it, we moms need to hold to our calling in every way we can! We need to take extreme care of ourselves, our spouses, our children and homes. We need to honor ourselves, our time and energy, and cut our optional to do lists in half! To relax and be loving and present, as much as it is in our power to do so!
We’re the Lionesses at the Door of not just our minds, hearts and homes, but of a culture that doesn’t seem to understand that without being nurtured, clothed, fed, taught and loved (and no, government can’t do this with mandated day-care!), people often don’t survive and certainly don’t thrive in society!

If our job doesn’t get done, no one else’s job matters! (Because their jobs are here to support our job.)
Let’s not be seduced away from our post. We are needed here. We are needed at home.
We need to understand and value our vital contribution, and show the world by our love, courage and determination that we know who we are and what matters most.
Sending you my love and confidence that you have what it takes to figure this mothering thing out! Will you have to learn and be stretched to your limit at times? Yes! Often!
Will you need to heal old wounds and get over bad habits and intentionally create new, healthier, more loving ones? Of course!
Will your marriage need your time and heart and soul? It certainly will.
But we who have been down this road, count it a privilege. I for one believe that there will never be an opportunity for more personal growth, change, happiness, love, power and influence than that of creating a thriving family.
If you need support, let me know! I’m here at the ready. (I currently have one coaching slot open!)
Cheering you on,