Lioness Team





JACQUE ~ Holistic Health Coach
Hello! I am a wife, mother of three and grandmother of seven amazing people that I love with all my heart! Being a stay-at-home mom was my dream and I feel blessed beyond reason to have been able to spend my kid’s childhood with them! It meant learning self-reliance skills, thrift shopping and living within the means of a college teacher’s salary, but it was worth the effort! During those years, I was also in school, taking one or two classes each quarter, which over many years, added up to a degree in Psychology. I’ve learned that there is time for the things we love, in seasons. Now is the season that I am reaching out to moms as a holistic health coach, mentor and teacher, to support and love them in the sharp learning that family life calls us to do! My joy is shining light on people and principles that can create success in the home, where it truly matters most. I love the doctrine of family and am devoted to sharing the hope that can lift heavy burdens of mistakes and pain. God is good and love is the answer!
KATELYN ~ Web Designer, Tech Support
I received a bachelors degree in Software Engineering with an emphasis in Website Design from Snow College in Utah. I love music, reading, sunshine, gardening, family time, good food, and hot chocolate – well, honestly, I love chocolate in general! I enjoy being in nature and learning about the amazing creations of earth, space, and everything between. I’m always learning more and being constantly amazed by how wonderfully everything works together. I dabble in many things, but I’m not sure that I’ve mastered any, yet.
My family is my joy! I have a wonderful husband and our girls bring such delight to our home. Being on Jacque’s team has been a blessing. I’ve been learning so much from her and her courses about how to better love my family and be more like my Savior, Jesus Christ. I believe in the mission of Lioness at the Door of helping women of faith better understand their role and blessing them with the tools to be successful!

KELSEY ~ Marketing, Social Media
I’m a wife and mother with a passion for personal growth and simple living. I’m a hobby hopper and enjoy trying new things; My favorite consistent hobby is playing volleyball, but sometimes you’ll find me DIYing, crocheting, reading, organizing or playing outdoors. I’m grateful to be apart of the Lioness team and love helping create content that will inspire and bless moms in their efforts to be the best they can be… and to conquer understandable frustrations that come with being apart of a family!
My family is everything to me and that is why I love Lioness at the Door and believe in what Jacque has built. Her teachings have helped me understand the nature of God and repentance as it applies to a mother who is raising a family, in the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. If you’ve ever wondered how the atonement applies to you as a wife, mother and devoted follower of Jesus Christ you’re not alone and you’re in the right spot.
RENÉ ~ Bookkeeper
I am a wife, mother of four, piano teacher, bookkeeper, and guacamole lover. I love spending time with my family, reading, and listening and playing music. I also love organizing, numbers, and spreadsheets. I am a former client and class participant of Jacque’s. In fact, she is part of the reason I am a bookkeeper today. She helped me feel loved myself and learn how to better love my family. This brought so much peace and calmness into my life that I was able to entertain other ideas. So, when she asked if I would be her bookkeeper, I jumped at the chance and started my bookkeeping busiess. I am so glad I was able to learn from her and that she believed in me. Thanks, Jacque. I love what I do!
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