My sister-in-law is a great cook and we were so happy to find that while we had been traveling, she had been shopping and cooking and had this beautiful meal waiting for us!  Isn’t it true that cooking is love made visible?

She cooked a pork roast in the crock pot, made a fresh fruit salad, a wonderful green salad and these roasted vegetables.  It was all so, so tasty! And so welcome because we were hungry!  And there may have been a few in our party who were also a bit “hangry,” if you know what I mean…

She said that her roasted veggies are a favorite dish that she and her teenagers make all the time.

Simply cut up potatoes, peppers, mushrooms, Brussels sprouts, beets,onions and sweet potatoes, or whatever vegetables you have. Try to make them uniform, all about the same size, 1″ pieces works well. Then put them on a roasting pan or cookie sheet, drizzle with olive oil and sprinkle them with salt, pepper, granulated garlic, rosemary, and or whatever spices you love.  Stir a bit to coat evenly. Then roast for 30-45 minutes at 375°- 400° (the hotter, the browner.) Stir once or twice while cooking.       .

The last ten minutes or so, she said she added a few dollops of butter. Mmmm!

How easy is that?  And I tell you these veggies were divine.

So, I hope that’s a little inspiration for your weekend!

Sending you much love!
