Good morning my friend!
I hope your outlook for this week is positive.
I was feeling a little trepidation myself this morning about the unknowns of this “social distancing” situation. And of course about some of the ramifications I do know about.
Gratefully, as I reached out to my scriptures and to God in prayer, I was reminded again of the ways I can remain steady and calm in my heart. Sometimes, in uncertain situations, we are tempted to be fearful. But we have the anecdotes to fear always with us!

1 Remember who you are and your purpose here. Take a moment and write about your identity and responsibilities/opportunities/purpose, and then read it often! {Daily if you’re only somewhat stressed; hourly if need be!} If you are unclear about these two things, pray for understanding and listen! Getting really clear on these ultra-important pieces of “who” and “what” and “why” can keep us from being mentally somewhere else, instead of present in the now! This is good for you and your health, and your marriage, but it is crucial for your children since the present is always where your children are trying to meet you!
2 Broaden your scope of influence and service. Who are your neighbors? How are they doing? What could you do to strengthen them and offer them hope?
3 Practice gratitude! Any difficult time that I have come through without undue stress, has been made possible by gratitude. Even in a small moment of discomfort or pain, shifting my brain to see what is right in the situation always helps! Give thanks for the minute details and the big stuff too. Doing this makes all the difference.
4 Fill your environment with uplifting mind/body and spirit food! We consume what we see, hear, taste and of course eat, so make sure it is music, writing, food and beauty that is worthy of you! Engineer the environment of your home to teach, bless, lift and encourage yourself and your family.
5 Understand that work is our blessing! Being busy and productive makes everyone feel better, and spaces that are clean and orderly are the perfect foundation for creativity and play. {Remember how it is when the toy room is clean or when the sewing counter is cleared off? That’s when we want to play and to sew!} When we each have a way to contribute to the household, and be directed and active, we are far better off! Even two-year-old’s can help, and feel important and needed. Now is a great time for chore charts along with fun activities and plenty of reading.
6 Remember to receive and then give Real Love. Showing unconditional love with a calm tone of voice and patience while teaching, teaching and teaching some more will help every situation we face right now. Real Love doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences. It means that instead of punishing and yelling and ignoring and frowning we will be teaching and training, firmly, with kindness, gentleness and respectfulness. Our kids need our attention and our example of living in faith now more than ever. With God’s help, we can do this.
I hope you will have a blessed day! You are amazing in every way!

The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.