I hope this post finds you well, though I know chances are, this post will find you challenged in some way!

Of course, there are challenges {trying to get everything done that needs doing, getting in better shape, finishing a class, following through on a difficult commitment…} and then there are challenges that bring life-altering changes, especially the ones it seems we would never choose.

Whatever your current challenge is, be cognizant of the fact that turning inward, either in prolonged thought or fear or pain or insecurity of any kind, can put you in the lonely sphere of one. While turning out, on the other hand, out toward others and their concerns and challenges, toward friends {old and new} and the comfort and companionship they have to offer, will broaden your world, strengthen your faith and put your challenges into perspective.

Yes, you need to consider your options and think through your actions and make decisions and plans, but staying in a self-concerned space for too long puts you at risk.

No matter what your present concern may be, there are opportunities for you to shift your focus away from the exhausting feedback loop of self-absorption. Pray for those opportunities and pray to recognize them when they appear! And you may feel inspired to create the opportunities you need by seeking out someone who is struggling or needing a friend or a hand up, and then intentionally leaning into be their friend. Maybe you will need to allow others to be that friend to you, to serve you by listening to your concerns or by serving you in more tangible ways, like helping with kids or meals or respite of some kind.

We are all in this together! I pray that you will not create or maintain places of isolation and loneliness. Please step forward and allow others to see your heart and know who you really are. You are lovable. You are valuable. You are needed. You are brave. You are irreplaceable.

Even in your extremity, no especially in your extremity, please continue to shine your light of faith and friendship. Others have been where you are today, you are not alone.

Sending you my love,
