Do you live where lilacs grow?

These beauties came from my yard and my dad’s yard.

They only last for a short time and they are beautiful and smell heavenly!

Like these flowers and so many important things in life, the beautiful moments must be seized before they are gone! Seasons come and go before you know it’s happening.

Little boy voices grow into deep men’s voices. Little hands become big and far away. Opportunities to read stories and sit in sandboxes and look at rocks and take naps disappear before your eyes.

It really doesn’t matter much if you’re in the middle of a mess. Or if the garage hasn’t gotten straightened up yet. Or if you have work that seems to never end. Or if the kids aren’t in great harmony with each other all of the time. It’s ok. Life is still beautiful now. But you have to shift your focus to see it. {How I wish I could have written these words to my 30 year old self!}

Today, I challenge you to hear and see and smell and feel and rejoice in your world and in your family! Just as they are today.

Tomorrow comes too soon.

Sniff. Sniff. {My children know that means real tears!}

You’re doing great!

