Kind of like saying, make love not war!
Only, we don’t really plan to create war when we think we have to prove ourselves to others. But that thinking does create contention, by inevitably, creating competitive situations with everyone around us.
Today though, I’d like to challenge you to stop competing with your spouse.

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
Think about it for a minute. Are there ways that you have set yourself up to prove to him that you are smarter or more frugal or savvy….or, uh hem, righteous than he is?
Guess what?
Competition kills when it comes to creating a loving relationship.
Instead of trying to see who’s best, be on the look out for ways that you can compliment his efforts with yours; ways you can genuinely build him and stabilize his world.
You want an equal partner? Treat him like gold, be yourself, do your best to hold up your side of the partnership and he will do all he can to support you too.
Why do I say this with confidence?
Because men aren’t as complicated as we are! They want to be needed and appreciated and loved (kind of like what we want, right?) and they respond to sincerity and loving behavior quickly and happily.
Don’t make this anymore complex than it needs to be.
Drop the proving and competing and, well, make some pudding instead.
Seriously! Here’s a little recipe I use.

Photo by Karly Gomez on Unsplash
It is my mother-in-law’s pie filling, and it is lovely.
I tweaked it just a little substituting sugar for a natural sweetener.
2 cups milk (I use all kinds, mostly rice and coconut, but of course whole dairy is lovely if you can handle it!)
2 Tbs cornstarch
1/4 tsp salt
2 eggs
1/4-1/3 cup honey (original recipe calls for 1/2 cup sugar)
1 tsp vanilla
In a saucepan, heat milk until it is warm. In a mixing bowl, mix honey, starch and salt with the eggs and then add egg mixture to warmed milk in the saucepan. Cook and stir until thick. Makes one pie or about 5 small dishes of pudding.
I often add 1 Tbs cocoa to the egg mixture, and garnish with shaved dark chocolate and or freshly whipped cream.
Get creative– and whether you make vanilla or chocolate pudding, see what variations you can create! Strawberries with maple syrup, blueberries with coconut, peaches and nutmeg, chocolate pudding with slivered almonds or peanut butter or bananas whatever you can dream up!
Be well!

“The mission of Lioness at the Door is to uplift, strengthen and encourage women of all ages to magnify health, hope and happiness at home. We do so boldly, with humility and gratitude for the opportunity.”