Here’s a mantra idea for this beautiful new year: massage, marinate and memorize!

First, massage your plan! Yes, take the time to work out your goals and plans, be dedicated about your time-blocking and then as you’re living those plans, massage them to make them enjoyable and doable! If things end up feeling too harried, rethink that part of your schedule, wiggle it until it’s a better fit. Pay attention to the kind of “stress” you have, whether it is heavy, under-the-gun type or the anticipating and somewhat excited kind! If you can mentally flip it around from heavy to light, by all means do it now! {If not, see the last suggestion for another idea.}

We all need self-care. But if you are living a life of care giving, make sure that you are marinating in self-care as much as you possibly can! {Marinating is thoroughly soaked!} I read a line today from C.S. Lewis, “we must think of a King at peace, enthroned, taking his leisure, serene.” That struck me. While we aren’t kings with servants and constant royal treatment, we are, in the big picture, God’s daughters and therefore royal. Maybe we could consider creating self-care that matches that title! Are you worthy of peace and serenity? Of course! So do all you can to cultivate peace and serenity in your day to day life. Be present and enjoy all of the simple blessings in your life!

Need a bit of a lift in the way you see your responsibilities or in your ability to set a few goals or to dream about how you would like things to go? Now is the time to memorize the declarations you need to support those shifts! In order for them to be really effective, you need to be able to repeat them often, so make them:
-short and sweet
-direct and powerful
-present tense and positive!
Then rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!

“I am happy and content.”
“I am grateful and constantly counting my blessings.”
“I am loved.”
“I take time to nourish myself.”
“I am worthy of constant care.”
“I break my goals into bite-sized pieces.”

I hope that you have your sights set on a great year ahead, doing small things {for yourself and others} with great love–which adds up to leaving a loving legacy of dignity, serenity and joyful peace.

Be well.

